Just in from our development labs: Update 5 has reached Beta stage and is available for immediate download. Our iOS app now uses Apple’s brand new PUSH infrastructure, making the smartphone app the ideal means of communicating. Try out the latest 3CX iOS App in Testflight Beta.
3CX bundles apps for AndroidiOSWindows and browsers for an out of the box remote-working solution. In light of the still-unfolding Covid-19 pandemic, workers can now make and receive calls, hold video meetings and work seamlessly from home with their smartphones, using nothing but the 3CX app! Making Update 5, an update you really can’t afford to miss.

Upgrade to v16 Update 5 Beta to call with the new iOS app.       Upgrade to v16 Update 5 Beta to video call with the new iOS app.

New iOS App Requires Update 5. Upgrade to v16 Now.

Preparing for Update 5 is especially critical now, as the new iOS app will no longer work with 3CX v15.5, or any updates prior to this one. Furthermore, v15.5 is reaching EoL (End of Life) status and will no longer receive updates or support. Note that v16 Update 5 is not compatible with any Windows version below 10 or Server 2016, due to the new Apple Push Notification service (APNs) requirements.
The old iOS App will remain the default app for a month following the release of update 5, to give you time to upgrade.

Windows App Enhancements

We’ve also updated the Windows app, with new libraries, fixes and performance improvements. 3CX is now able to handle many more Windows client connections, important for large installations with thousands of extensions.

How to Upgrade

Click on “Updates” in the Management Console’s Dashboard, select “v16 Update 5 Beta” and click on “Download Selected” to install this update on your PBX.
Alternatively, you can get the Linux ISO or the Windows installer:

You can download the new 3CX Apps here.